It was first time in Baitullah that Isha Adhan was called by two Moazzan | 1 Adhan with 2 muezzin

2022-02-16 2

It was first time in Baitullah that Isha Adhan was called by two Moazzan | 1 Adhan with 2 muezzin
The Unique Event of Masjid-ul-Haram History,,,
When Isha Adhan Was Given by Two Muezzins instead of One
مسجد الحرام کا منفرد واقعہ
جب اذان عشاء ایک کے بجائے دو موذنوں نے دی

Video on Sound System of Baitullah | Khana KABA ka Bijli ka Nizam

The senior muezzin of Masjid-ul-Haram, Ali-ul-Mulla, was giving the adhan of Isha when suddenly he became unwell. Immediately the assistant muezzin took over the microphone and completed the adhan of Isha in his place. According to the prescribed system of Adhan in Masjid-ul-Haram, two muezzins are on duty for each obligatory prayer. This arrangement is made so that one of the muezzins may not arrive on time for any reason or if there is any difficulty while giving the call to prayer, then the alternate muezzin can take his place. The Masjid al-Haram has a special system of adhan. For it engineers and office workers are deployed there. There are 24 people deployed for Adhan in Haram Mukki. The adhan company employs 150 people almost. All have a high degree in their field and are well trained. The call to prayer is heard in the Haram Sharif through 7,000 loudspeakers. These loudspeakers are turned on for Adhan and Takbir during prayers.
I have already made a detailed infirmative video on sound systems of Haram makki. You may watch it in the given links. In near future I will present you the detailed information about sound system of Mosque Nabavi. Insha Allah.
Ali Ahmad Mullah is the muezzin about which I am discussing in this video. He was senior moazzen of Masjid-ul-Haram. He was born in 1366 AH (1945) in Makkah. He belongs to a family in Makkah, most of whom have the honor of being muezzins in the Masjid al-Haram. He became the muezzin of Haram Sharif after the death of his cousin Sheikh Abdul Malik Al-Mulla. He has been performing the duties of a muezzin for above forty years. His voice is unique and liked everywhere. All over the world he is remembered by the title of 'Bilal-ul-Haram'.


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